TOV Development & Brand Voice Agency

Brand Voice

Your brand’s tone of voice – how you speak to your audience – from the slightest whisper to the loudest call is going to impact the way they engage with your brand.

So you may as well harness powerful copywriting by slick-rick copywriters and make it sharp as a tack.


  • Mellow and soft, like a Sunday afternoon.

  • Full of fire and diesel, if you’re a boxing academy (our copywriters have done that).

  • Warm, like lazing on some sun kissed sand in the tropics.

  • Cool and breezy like the feeling you get when you spend an afternoon with Jane.

  • Or saucy, like that stuff on your chin after you inhale a burger.

And then there's frank. You may have heard of him; perhaps even showered together. A brand we created from head to to(n)e of voice that started with some coffee grinds and ended up a million dollar beauty business beloved by babes all over the world.

Your tone of voice is a vital element of your brand.

It’s what is going to make your name stick like glue to the brains of your target audience, and lift their hand to their credit card, and bring it down on your profit margins. Again, again and again. Almost to the point of an RSI. Almost.

So, we have a job to do for you, and it’s one we take just the right amount of seriously, every time. Our creative team of copywriters and brand experts will create you a tone of voice and brand guidelines that speaks your language, but better; with integrity, precision and results in mind. We will then craftily spread it across every single touchpoint of your business; from emails to website pop-ups to drink coasters to whatever slogan you want to splash across a hot air balloon. Please, please call us for balloon slogans. 

Brands need to do more than sell; they need to delight and surprise.

Like finding twenty bucks in the pocket of a coat you haven’t worn in ages. Which comes in useful now people are voting more and more with their dollars; leaving behind brands that are vacuous, beige and boring to instead engage with and buy from those whose values most closely align with their own. So, if you have no words to eloquently and entertainingly connect with them across all your platforms, you are likely to simply lose out to a brand that does. The best news? It’s not that hard. Our copywriters do it all the time. 

Step one: Ideate a creative platform for you.

Before we dive in, we need a platform to jump off.

  • What’s the insight or clever idea that informs this idea?

  • What does it sound like?

  • And how would it play out across all your channels?

Words are just words, write? Wrong.

Using the right words can be the difference between telling someone to ‘take a seat’ and ‘sit the f*** down’. An important distinction when you’re talking to, say, an elderly woman on the bus as you offer her your seat. Nuance, you see.  It can also be the difference between selling out and actually selling out of every single unit of your product or service time, receiving a bunch of free press and hitting engagement targets beyond your wildest dreams. Our dreams for you, too.

To make this a reality, we start by being too clever never and unexpected always. 

Step two: Once we’ve nailed the ‘it’ - the creative platform, we make sure we tell you why.

 Our rationales are designed to summarise the intent, promise and purpose of your brand in a new, heart-racing or soul-soothing way. Like we said before, no time for boring. Or climate change-deniers.

Step three: test how the platform works when we talk about your brand.

Like are you a delicious bespoke and artisan burger company or ‘Burgers. Done good.’?  We then pull this creative across the important touch points of your brand so you can see how your tone of voice comes to life; as an Instagram bio, a swing tag, a wall decal or that thing we mentioned earlier about hot air balloons.

 TL:DR: To penetrate the aluminium wall of your customer’s psyche, you need to look good and do good, all while sounding good. 

 Remember: good products sell. Great brands sell out; of stock.

 So, what’ll it be? Talk trash or toned talk?

Let’s make a platinum album good brand together.

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